Latvia is a small country. And this is just the fourth year that a festival of such international significance takes place in Riga. We need new and young people to fall in love with the beautiful world of cinema! This is an honest answer as to why it is so important to have a whole weekend dedicated to films for the whole family, why it is important to provide additional captivating pastimes as well… Two fascinating days of a cinematic adventure for schoolchildren, pre-school kids and their kin.

When a photo is all you can leave in this world.

Deniss is a stand-up comedian working at a fast food chain.

In a deserted rich house, a couple of amphibians explore their surroundings and follow their primal instincts.

The vast Finnish archipelago consists of thousands of rocky islands. It’s a place where time passes differently, the mind has space to wander and even the smallest everyday things can be a source of endless fascination. Here we see five archipelago dwellers with lives so different, it makes one think that perhaps every man is indeed an island. They are all part of the archipelago’s landscape. But look beyond the surface and you’ll see that all islands are in fact parts of the same terrain. A poetic essay on life, death, and the taste of early potatoes.

During the other half of the eighties the world was electrified. Not just by the power shifts of the Cold War, not just because the Berlin Wall fell, also because something new and exciting was emerging when the blossoming electronic dance music culture of the West met the avant-garde that was lurking behind the Iron Curtain of the East. It’s incredible that the huge cultural upheaval Latvia experienced during that time had mainly a sole architect – Indulis Bilzēns. It’s no less incredible that this story has not until now been covered by documentary film-makers.

Mop brings the coffee machine to boil and wonders what would happen if he added a bag of green powder.

Toda, 10, lives in a bakery with her dad, the best pastry chef in town. She knows everything there is to know about cakes and pastries. But one day, everything changes: her dad is called away unexpectedly to defend his country. She thinks it means becoming a bush because soldiers have to stick branches to their helmets. Now Toda must undertake an adventurous and challenging journey to the unknown neighbouring country where her mother lives. On the way she meets strange people, encounters absurd situations and finds a special new friend.